Exploring the Diversity of Leather

Exploring the Diversity of Leather

Leather, with its luxurious texture and enduring durability, has been a staple material in fashion for centuries. From jackets to handbags, shoes to belts, leather adds a touch of sophistication and rugged charm to any ensemble. But not all leather is created equal....

Making your own Pride Skirt Part 2

The construction part So all the materials are here, the patterns are made now it is time to start the process of construction. If you still need to do the first part here is the link to Part 1 First you want to cut out all the circles in every colour you chose twice,...

Making Your own Pride Skirt Part 1

So I made this circle skirt for the very first local pride, and I had a few people ask about it. So I decided to make a little tutorial. All that is needed is some patience, maths and some sewing skills. This can also be used to make just a normal circle skirt with a...
Finding Sewing Patterns

Finding Sewing Patterns

Sewing for yourself There is nothing better than making garments for yourself, specially when people ask where you bought that garment and you can say “I made it myself”. What comes after that answer we won’t talk about now, that might be a whole...
Working with Aluminium Cans

Working with Aluminium Cans

The Idea and work so far So I haven’t made a Wearable art piece in a few years now, and I was itching to start one. The Beer Company Doppelleu Boxer has a beer called Chopfab and their Can are very minimal in design. This got me thinking and I thought using...
Ideas for Decorating your C*ntbag

Ideas for Decorating your C*ntbag

Decorating with Sewing You can add fringe to the bottom of the bag before you sew it up. The Fringe can be bought or hand made out of left over jeans or Fabric that you have left over. You can embroider the mini bag before you sew it into the main Bag, and do the same...