The Idea and work so far
So I haven’t made a Wearable art piece in a few years now, and I was itching to start one. The Beer Company Doppelleu Boxer has a beer called Chopfab and their Can are very minimal in design. This got me thinking and I thought using their cans would make for a intersting garment.
I have been playing around with the cans for months now, some things worked some things failed, but I have decided the base will be a corset. and I have come back to the scales, after finding the flat panels a little bit tricky to work into the curvy design. I want incorporate some of flat panels, showing off the black or white can maybe even the Logo.
Another thing I am working on is using the can tabs, they work very well as a chain mail and if I can close the cut part of the tab they will also stay in tact.

What next?
Well I have to finish this piece, there is still a lot more cans of Chopfab to be consumed (by my husband, I can’t drink beer 🙁 ) and more can tabs to be collected. Anyone wanting to send me Black or white cans or can tabs send me a email.
And then there is the constrution of the piece, I have the base ready and some scales cut out, but I think the can tab skirt and collar will take a long time to solder together. I might need a crown as well, just to make it even more extra.
I am hoping I can get this finished in 2021, I am guessing as the days get shorter again and the weather changes I will be more happy to sit inside and work on this piece.
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