
This Jacket, Corset  and head piece are made from Bicycle inner tubes and chain bits.

I cycled nearly everywhere at this point, because I sold my Car, and having to replace inner tubes has become a part of my weekly practice. When I realised that the tubes had a leather type quality I started to collect broken ones and asked friends to do the same. That is how this garment came to life.

Tubeless Jacket and Corset Raw Showcase
Tubeless Corset trio Cece Domino

Trip tych

The Corset and the head piece, modeled by Cece Domino and Photography David Wolley

Tubeless set top image

Jacket and Corset

At raw showcase

Tubeless Jacket Raw Showcase


At Raw showcase

Tubeless Corset retro styled


The Corset, modeled by Cece Domino and Photography David Wolley

Tubeless Jacket in Forest


In the Forest, Photo: David Wooley